
Stopping Cholera in our city

Every year dozens of people in Accra lose their lives as a result of cholera. This perennial situation has become a big burden on health care and city authorities. As youth living in Accra what can we do to stop the outbreak of cholera?


  • Frede ist dafür

    Right. We should astablish a strategy for vaccinating. I will pull this on the agenda of the next assembly meeting.

    • animaadjei10 ist dafür

      vaccination strategy is not a bad idea, however i think emphasis should be placed on the youth practicing hygiene and also sensitizing others on how to keep their surroundings clean in order to stay healthy. After vaccination people would still have to be neat to prevent getting cholera again.

      • Frede ist dafür

        You are right! Vaccination should just be one point of the strategy!

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