
what have you done about the poor sanitation in the sekondi-Takoradi metropolis

to make the Sekondi-Takoradi clean and free from filth to avoid diseases


  • it is true but we should also try as much as we can to send the refuse to the refuse site if the waste management companies do not come for them because it is an eyesore to see refuse all over certain place

  • dear i agree with what you are saying however even when the citizen have done their part by keeping the waste or rubbish in a proper places ,the waste managing companies will not come and take it away thereby exposing it again to goat sheep and other animal to sent it back to the garter . so i think if the authorities who are responsible are been pressured they will be proactive to work effectively to solve this issue

  • Dear one it is our responsibility to help the assembly keep the city clean

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